
University Ombudsperson, Queen's University

May 7, 2024
Deadline to apply:  May 12, 2024

Accountable to the Board of Trustees through the University Culture Committee, and the Senate, the University Ombudsperson is an independent, impartial and confidential resource for students, staff, and faculty with diverse backgrounds and identities to receive guidance and advice about their university-related concerns and complaints regarding university policies, procedures, and decision-making structures. The Ombudsperson interacts with all levels of administration including, but not limited to Associate Deans, Deans, the Provost, Vice-Provost (Student Affairs), the Principal and Vice-Principals, University Counsel, external lawyers, Student Wellness Services, and Campus Security to provide expert advice and recommendations on a wide variety of complex matters at the university.  More>>>

Ombudsman Advisor, Montréal Ombudsman

May 9, 2024
Deadline to apply:  May 22,2024

The ombudsman intervenes upon complaint or on his own initiative. If he concludes that the citizen has suffered prejudice, he intervenes with the City to change the decision or correct the situation.

Essential to its credibility, the Ombudsman de Montréal is apolitical, confidential, autonomous and independent of the municipal administration and elected officials, conducting its own investigations and drawing its own conclusions on contested situations.

As an advisor, you carry out fact-finding missions to determine whether citizens are likely to be aggrieved, or are victims of an injustice or infringement of their municipal rights, including those set out in the Montréal Charter of Rights and Responsibilities. These investigative missions and interventions may occasionally concern a decision voted by elected municipal officials.
You intervene with the management concerned, and propose solutions or recommendations with a view to redress and prevention. If required, you will undertake mediation.    More>>>

Ombuds Officer, Office of the Ombuds, Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

May 7, 2024
Deadline to apply:  Will be posted for 30 days

CSIS is Canada’s security and intelligence service. Its role is to investigate activities suspected of constituting threats to the security of Canada and to report these to the government of Canada.  

In today's rapidly evolving environment, CSIS is seeking an Ombuds to establish and develop a new Office of the Ombuds. With support from leadership and the Ombuds, the Office will reinforce the climate of trust within the organization, encourage and support a culture that promotes open dialogue, and champion CSIS's commitment to invest in its people.

Reporting to the Deputy Minister (Director), the Ombuds is accountable for providing executive leadership and management direction for The Office of the Ombuds’ establishment, evolution and continuous improvement ensuring a trusted and safe space to enable the informal discussion of workplace-related issues or concerns without fear of reprisal. The Ombuds and informal conflict management services will provide a complementary channel to help employees navigate existing internal mechanisms and programs associated with a respectful workplace, mental and physical wellness, accessibility, internal disclosure, and public service values and ethics. More>>>